View Profile ColeSaysThis

4 Movie Reviews


I'm not saying this just because I live with you, but this shit right here is off the hook. I laughed my ass off. Just, right off. Like, it's gone now. You know how sometimes you wonder what chairs would look like if our knees bent the other way? Well, what about chairs for people with no ass? It's a head trip man. Some people need drugs to get off, but like, you can just ask yourself questions. And you try to answer them. Talking to yourself and stuff. It's not normal. You should stop. I mean, things can be cool if they want, but sometimes they're all just "naw, I'm cool not being cool, if you dig it, you need to bury it before it starts to rain, because you never know what might happen next" and shit. So long story short, I like this movie. And I like this movie. It speaks to me. It is me speaking. It is I and are going to be forever. And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

It was ok

No more sticks please. They make me sleepy. Everything else was well done.


I dont know you, so I'm not going to insult you. I will say that your movie was the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Its something a 10 or 11 year old would find funny, if they had suffered a massive head injury. This movie is stupid and not funny. Try again.

Nice try

The sound was really muffled. The thing that bothered my the most was your comments of "please vote fair". Well, if the movie is no good, don't expect special care. Its one of the things that gets me upset. But other than that, not horrible.

It is impossible for sound alone, a material element, to belong to language. It is only a secondary thing, substance to be put into use.

Age 39, Male


University of Portland

Portland, OR

Joined on 7/6/03

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